Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Heading to Asia

Sorry there have been no new posts in the past few weeks. A lot going on here. I head out to Dallas in a few hours and at 4:00 a.m. Wednesday I start my journey to Asia to work with some friends that I had the privilege to work with in Mexico City. I can't share their name so I will call them Y and S. They are very special people. Y is 68 and has not one thought about retiring! Y has been a mentor to me for the past 4 years. I ask your prayers for this ministry trip and continued prayers for Y and S as they continue to work in an area of the world where their message is not welcome.

I am working on a couple updates. I finally got to meet a sister I have and have never met face to face. She came and visited last week. I will post some pictures and share the story of how we found each other after 40 years of separation.

I will be back on August 9th.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have a WONDERFUL trip!! Tell them I say Hello!!! I can't wait to see pictures and stories... Hope you all are well!